Why Fighting For Someone’s Attention Is A Losing Game And What To Do Instead

7 min readMay 9, 2023


Do you ever feel like you have to fight for someone’s attention? Do you constantly chase after them, hoping that they will notice you and appreciate you? Do you sacrifice your own happiness and well-being to please them and keep them interested?

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, I will show you why fighting for someone’s attention is a losing strategy that will only make you feel miserable and insecure. I will also show you what you can do instead to attract the right people into your life who will value you and respect you for who you are.

Why Fighting For Someone’s Attention Is A Bad Idea

Fighting for someone’s attention is a bad idea for several reasons. First of all, it shows that you don’t value yourself enough. You think that you have to prove your worth to someone else and that if they don’t give you the attention that you want, then you are not good enough. This is a very unhealthy and damaging mindset that will lower your self-esteem and confidence.

Secondly, fighting for someone’s attention is a sign of desperation and neediness. You are basically telling the other person that you can’t live without them, and that you will do anything to get their approval. This is very unattractive and repulsive to most people because it makes them feel suffocated and pressured. It also makes them lose respect for you, because they see that you don’t have any standards or boundaries.

Thirdly, fighting for someone’s attention is a waste of time and energy. You are putting all your focus and effort on someone who doesn’t appreciate you or reciprocate your feelings. You are neglecting your own needs, goals, and passions, and letting someone else dictate your happiness. You are also missing out on other opportunities and people who might be a better match for you.

What To Do Instead Of Fighting For Someone’s Attention

So, what can you do instead of fighting for someone’s attention? Here are some steps that you can take to attract the right people into your life who will give you the attention that you deserve:

Step 1: Stop Chasing Them

The first step is to stop chasing the person that you want to attract. This means that you need to stop trying to be around them all the time, stop texting them constantly, and stop doing things that they want to do just so that you can be close to them. You need to give them some space and let them come to you.

This might be hard at first, but it is essential if you want to make them start chasing you. Right now, they have an image of you in their head that is probably of a needy and desperate person. You want to change that image so that they see you as someone strong, independent, and confident. The best way to do this is by giving them some space and showing them that you don’t need them to be happy.

Step 2: Take Responsibility For Your Emotions

When we like someone, we often put our happiness in their hands. We think that they are responsible for making us feel good and that if they don’t give us the attention that we want, then we will be unhappy. This is a very unhealthy and codependent way of relating to others.

You need to take responsibility for your own emotions and happiness. You need to realize that no one can make you happy or unhappy unless you let them. You need to find your own sources of joy and fulfillment in life, such as your hobbies, interests, friends, family, career, etc.

You also need to learn how to cope with negative emotions such as rejection, disappointment, loneliness, etc., without relying on someone else to comfort you or validate you. You need to develop your own coping skills and self-care practices that will help you deal with any challenges or difficulties that life throws at you.

Step 3: Align Your Life With Your Values

Another way to attract the right people into your life is to align your life with your values. Your values are the things that are important to you in life, such as honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, etc. They are the core principles that guide your choices and actions.

When you align your life with your values, you become more true and consistent with yourself. You also become more appealing and attractive to others who have the same values as you. People who have different values than yours will naturally drift away from you or clash with you.

Some of the ways that you can align your life with your values are:

  • Identify your top values and write them down
  • Evaluate how well your current life reflects your values
  • Make changes or adjustments where necessary to align your life with your values
  • Seek out people and opportunities that support your values
  • Express your values through your words and deeds

Step 4: Show That You Are Interested Without Being Needy

There is a difference between showing interest and being needy. Showing interest means that you express your attraction and appreciation for someone in a respectful and genuine way. Being needy means that you demand their attention and affection in a clingy and desperate way.

You want to show that you are interested without being needy. This means that you compliment them sincerely, flirt with them playfully, ask them questions about themselves, listen to them attentively, and share your own thoughts and feelings with them. You also respect their boundaries, preferences, and opinions, and don’t try to change them or control them.

You don’t want to be needy because that will only push them away. This means that you don’t beg for their attention, bombard them with messages, get jealous or possessive of them, or make them feel guilty or obligated to spend time with you. You also don’t put them on a pedestal, idolize them, or lose yourself in them.

Step 5: Become The Best Version Of Yourself

One of the best ways to attract the right people into your life is to become the best version of yourself. This means that you work on improving yourself in every aspect of your life, such as your physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, social health, etc.

You want to become the best version of yourself because that will make you happier and more confident. You will also have more to offer to others and more to share with them. You will also attract people who are also working on themselves and who are compatible with you.

Some of the ways that you can become the best version of yourself are:

  • Exercise regularly and eat healthily
  • Meditate and practice mindfulness
  • Read books and learn new things
  • Travel and explore new places
  • Volunteer and help others
  • Pursue your passions and goals
  • Express your creativity and talents
  • Have fun and enjoy life

Step 6: Be Patient With Them

Another thing that you need to do if you want to attract the right people into your life is to be patient with them. You need to understand that everyone has their own pace and timing when it comes to relationships. Some people are ready to commit right away, while others need more time and space to get to know you better.

You need to respect their pace and timing and not rush them or pressure them into anything. You need to let things unfold naturally and organically. You need to trust that if they are the right person for you, they will eventually come around and show you how they feel.

You also need to be patient with yourself and not get discouraged or frustrated if things don’t work out as you expected. You need to remember that there is plenty of fish in the sea and that there is someone out there who is perfect for you. You just need to keep looking and keep trying until you find them.

Step 7: Never Take Things Personally

The last step that you need to take if you want to attract the right people into your life is to never take things personally. You need to realize that sometimes people don’t give you the attention that you want not because of you, but because of them. They might have their own issues, problems, fears, insecurities, or preferences that prevent them from connecting with you.

You need to not take their behavior personally and not let it affect your self-worth or happiness. You need to not blame yourself or think that there is something wrong with you. You need to not let their rejection or indifference hurt your feelings or make you bitter.

You need to accept that not everyone is going to like you or want you, and that’s okay. You need to focus on the people who do like you and want you and appreciate them for who they are. You need to also love yourself and be proud of who you are.


In conclusion, fighting for someone’s attention is a bad idea that will only make you unhappy and insecure. Instead of fighting for someone’s attention, you should follow these 7 steps:

  • Stop chasing them
  • Take responsibility for your emotions
  • Live according to your values
  • Show that you are interested without being needy
  • Become the best version of yourself
  • Be patient with them
  • Never take things personally

By following these steps, you will attract the right people into your life who will give you the attention that you deserve. You will also feel happier and more confident in yourself.

I hope this article has helped you understand why fighting for someone’s attention is a bad idea and what you can do instead. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.




Written by Kai

Self-improvement blogger sharing practical insights and resources for unlocking your full potential and living your best life.

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