What “Success” Actually Is — And What It Isn’t

3 min readMay 31, 2023


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Success is one of those words that everyone seems to use, but few people agree on what it means. Some people think success is having a lot of money, fame, or power. Others think success is being happy, healthy, or fulfilled. And some people think success is simply achieving your goals, whatever they may be.

But what if none of these definitions capture the true essence of success? What if success is not a destination, but a journey? What if success is not a fixed state, but a dynamic process? What if success is not something you have, but something you do?

In this article, I want to challenge some of the common myths and misconceptions about success and offer a different perspective on what it means to be successful in life.

## Myth #1: Success is the same for everyone

One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to assume that success is the same for everyone. We often compare ourselves to others and measure our worth by their standards. We look at celebrities, influencers, or billionaires and think they have it all figured out. We envy their lifestyles, achievements, or recognition and wish we could be like them.

But this kind of comparison is not only unfair, but also misleading. Success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Success is personal and subjective. Success depends on your values, preferences, and aspirations. Success varies from person to person and from time to time.

What makes you happy may not make someone else happy. What motivates you may not motivate someone else. What fulfills you may not fulfill someone else. And that’s okay. You don’t have to follow someone else’s path or copy someone else’s formula. You can define success for yourself and pursue it in your own way.

## Myth #2: Success is a destination

Another common mistake we can make is to think that success is a destination. We often set goals and milestones and think that once we reach them, we will be successful. We think that success is something we can achieve and then enjoy forever. We think that success is an end result, a final outcome, or a finish line.

But this kind of thinking is not only unrealistic, but also limiting. Success is not a destination, but a journey. Success is not something you can achieve and then stop working for. Success is something you have to maintain and improve constantly. Success is an ongoing process, a continuous journey, or a never-ending cycle.

Success is not about reaching a certain point, but about making progress along the way. Success is not about having something, but about doing something. Success is not about being something, but about becoming something.

## Myth #3: Success is easy

A final mistake we can make is to think that success is easy. We often look at successful people and think they have it easy. We think they are lucky, talented, or gifted. We think they don’t face any challenges, obstacles, or failures. We think they don’t have to work hard, struggle, or sacrifice anything.

But this kind of thinking is not only naive, but also disrespectful. Success is not easy, but hard. Success is not a matter of luck, talent, or gift, but a matter of effort, skill, and grit. Success is not something that happens to you, but something that happens because of you.

Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Success involves facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and learning from failures. Success demands struggle, sacrifice, and resilience.


Success is one of the most important and elusive concepts in life. Everyone wants it, but few people understand it. Everyone pursues it, but few people achieve it.

In this article, I have tried to debunk some of the common myths and misconceptions about success and offer a different perspective on what it means to be successful in life.

Success is not the same for everyone, but personal and subjective.
Success is not a destination, but a journey.
Success is not easy, but hard.

These are some of the truths that I have learned from my own experience and research on success. I hope they can help you find your own definition of success and pursue it with passion and purpose.

Remember: Success is not something you have; it’s something you do.




Written by Kai

Self-improvement blogger sharing practical insights and resources for unlocking your full potential and living your best life.

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