Fyodor Dostoevsky was a Russian novelist and philosopher who wrote some of the most influential works of literature in history, such as Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and Notes from Underground. His novels explored themes such as free will, morality, psychology, religion, and social justice. He was also a keen observer of human nature and the human condition, and he often portrayed characters who struggled with their own inner conflicts and contradictions.
One of the ideas that Dostoevsky expressed in his works was the importance of walking your own path and facing your errors. In Crime and Punishment, he wrote:
That’s man’s one privilege over all creation. Through error you come to the truth! I am a man because I err! You never reach any truth without making fourteen mistakes and very likely a hundred and fourteen. And a fine thing, too, in its way; but we can’t even make mistakes on our own account! Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I’ll kiss you for it. To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.
What did he mean by this? Why is it better to go wrong in one’s own way rather than to go right in someone else’s? How can we apply this idea to our own lives?
The Problem of Trusting Others
One way to interpret Dostoevsky’s quote is to see it as a critique of blindly following others or conforming to their opinions. He suggests that we should not rely on others to tell us what is true or right, but rather we should think for ourselves and discover our own truth.
This is not to say that we should ignore or reject the knowledge and wisdom of others. On the contrary, we can learn a lot from other people, especially those who have more experience or expertise than us. However, we should not accept their claims uncritically or unquestioningly. We should always use our own reason and judgment to evaluate our arguments and evidence.
Why? Because no one is infallible or omniscient. Even the most trustworthy or authoritative person can be wrong or mistaken. They can also have biases or ulterior motives that influence their views. They can also change their minds or opinions over time.
For example, imagine that you have a grandfather who is 90 years old and has never lied to you or misled you once in your life. And unbeknownst to you, he has a sudden malfunction in his brain, and he says to you, “if you jump off this cliff, you’ll make a million dollars.” Are you going to believe that claim because of his track record? Of course not.
Or imagine that you have a friend who is an expert in physics and has taught you many things about the natural world. And one day, he tells you that he has discovered a new theory that explains everything in the universe. He shows you some equations and diagrams that look very impressive and convincing. Are you going to accept his theory without checking his calculations or testing his predictions? Probably not.
The point is that we cannot rely on others to give us the final or definitive answer to any question or problem. We have to use our own intelligence and curiosity to verify their claims and challenge their assumptions. We have to be willing to doubt and question everything, even if it comes from someone we respect or admire.
The Value of Making Mistakes
Another way to understand Dostoevsky’s quote is to see it as an encouragement to make mistakes and learn from them. He suggests that we should not be afraid of being wrong or failing, but rather we should embrace our errors as opportunities for growth and improvement.
This is not to say that we should deliberately make mistakes or act recklessly. On the contrary, we should try our best to avoid errors and achieve our goals. However, we should also recognize that mistakes are inevitable and unavoidable in life. We are not perfect beings who know everything or can do everything. We are limited by our knowledge, skills, resources, and circumstances.
Therefore, when we make mistakes, we should not feel ashamed or discouraged. We should not deny or hide our errors or blame others for them. We should not repeat our errors or refuse to change our ways. Instead, we should admit our errors and take responsibility for them. We should analyze our errors and understand why they happened. We should correct our errors and learn from them. We should apply our new knowledge and skills to our future actions and decisions.
For example, if you made a mistake in a presentation, you could admit that you were not well-prepared or that you misunderstood some data. You could analyze what went wrong and how you could improve your presentation skills. You could get feedback from your audience or your supervisor and find out what they liked or disliked about your presentation. You could find lessons from your mistake, such as how to organize your information better or how to communicate more clearly. You could make a plan to apply those lessons to your next presentation and practice more beforehand. You could also teach others what you’ve learned from your mistake and share your tips and insights.
By doing this, you can turn your mistake into a valuable learning experience that can help you grow and achieve better results in the future.
The Benefits of Walking Your Own Path
A third way to interpret Dostoevsky’s quote is to see it as a celebration of individuality and authenticity. He suggests that we should not try to imitate or conform to others, but rather we should express ourselves and follow our own passions and interests.
This is not to say that we should disregard or disrespect others or their views. On the contrary, we should respect and appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of each person. We should also be open-minded and willing to learn from others who have different perspectives or experiences than us. However, we should not lose ourselves or our identity in the process. We should not compromise our values or beliefs for the sake of pleasing others or fitting in.
Why? Because walking your own path can bring us joy and fulfillment. When we pursue our own goals and dreams, we can discover our true potential and talents. When we express our own opinions and ideas, we can contribute to the world in a meaningful way. When we live according to our own principles and standards, we can have peace of mind and integrity.
For example, imagine that you have a passion for music and you want to become a singer-songwriter. But your parents want you to become a lawyer or a doctor because they think that’s more prestigious or secure. If you follow their wishes and ignore your own, you might end up unhappy or dissatisfied with your career. But if you follow your own path and pursue your passion for music, you might end up happy and successful in your career.
Of course, walking your own path is not easy or risk-free. It requires courage, perseverance, and creativity. It also involves making mistakes and facing challenges along the way. But as Dostoevsky said, making mistakes in your own way is better than going right in someone else’s way. Because through your mistakes, you can learn more about yourself and the world. And through your mistakes, you can come closer to the truth.
In Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote:
To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.
In this article, I explored three possible meanings behind this quote:
- The importance of thinking for ourselves and not blindly following others
- The value of making mistakes and learning from them
- The benefits of walking our own path and being authentic
I hope this article has inspired you to reflect on your own mistakes and how you can use them as opportunities for growth and improvement. I also hope this article has encouraged you to walk your own path and face your errors with courage and confidence.