Friendship is one of the most valuable and rewarding aspects of life. Having good friends can enrich your happiness, health, and well-being. However, not all friendships are healthy and beneficial. Some people may be toxic, manipulative, or abusive to you, and they can drain your energy and lower your self-esteem. Here are five types of people you should stop being friends with:
1. The Criticizer. This is the person who always finds fault with everything you do, say, or wear. They may disguise their criticism as “honesty” or “advice”, but they are actually trying to make you feel bad about yourself. They may also compare you to others and make you feel inadequate or inferior. The criticizer does not respect or appreciate you for who you are, and they can damage your confidence and self-worth.
2. The Gossip. This is the person who loves to spread rumors, secrets and lies about other people. They may seem friendly and interested in your life, but they are actually looking for juicy information to share with others. They may also talk behind your back and betray your trust. The gossip does not care about your privacy or reputation, and it can ruin your relationships and credibility.
3. The User. This is the person who only contacts you when they need something from you. They may ask you for favors, money, or help, but they never reciprocate or show gratitude. They may also take advantage of your kindness and generosity, and expect you to do everything for them. The user does not value your friendship or time, and they can exploit you and make you feel used.
4. The Drama Queen/King. This is the person who always has some kind of problem or crisis in their life. They may exaggerate or create drama to get attention, sympathy, or validation from others. They may also involve you in their drama and expect you to solve their issues or take their side. The drama queen/king does not have a healthy or stable life, and they can stress you out and make you feel exhausted.
5. The Neglector. This is the person who never makes time for you or shows interest in your life. They may ignore your calls, texts, or messages, or cancel plans at the last minute. They may also forget important dates or events in your life, or act distant and cold when you meet them. The neglector does not prioritize or cherish your friendship, and they can make you feel lonely and unimportant.
These are some of the types of people you should stop being friends with if you want to have a happier and healthier life. Remember that you deserve to have friends who respect, support, and love you for who you are, and who bring out the best in you.